Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The Usefulness Of Your Phone SMS Box In Your Blogging

Your mobile phone "compose sms", draft box, gmail compose email and draft box can be of a great help to your blogging business.

  • You can compose a post while in the bus, discussing, in a restaurants, etc so long your right hand is free.

  • With this method you can write upto 5 posts daily without being tied down in the front of PC.

How does it work?

From your phone text message box, Compose a post of 1000 characters maximum in your phone sms.
If the characters of the post are more than 1000, compose and save each 1000 characters (1 page) in a different drafts box.

Go to options> select mark "mark all" > then copy the marked characters on that page.

Logon to gmail, click compose email > go to options > select "paste" to paste the copied sms into the compose box then save.

Repeat for all the text messages. After saving all the text into your gmail draft box.

Go to your PC and login to gmail and blogger > copy all the saved text in gmail draft box and paste into blogger compose post box.

Polish and design the post the way you want it to look.
Add the post Title and label etc.

Then preview and Publish.B-)

Hope this helps!

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