Sunday, 15 April 2012

Top 10 Errors In Blogging

Top 10 Errors In Blogging

There is a lot of blogging advice available out on the web about
what we need to do to run our blog successfully.

The blogging advice tells us what plugins to add, the widgets we
need to use, the right platform to use, and a host of other snippets
of information which all lends itself to successful blogging.

However, we have learned through our time as bloggers that there
are also a few things that can cause instant death to your blog
ambitions, no matter how much blogging advice you have.

We are going to share them with you today...more blogging advice:

#1: Regularity of posts

The most fundamental rule of blogging is to keep things regular.
People log in, often daily, to check popular blogs, and feel let down
if there is nothing new to read.

It's fatal to set up a great blog, promise all sorts of exciting things,
and then forget to keep it updated regularly. Stagnant blogs are like
bad friends - you want to turn your back on them, and feel let down
that they haven't made the effort!

#2: Spelling errors

Typos and spelling errors let your readers know that you're not that
bothered about keeping things neat and professional.
Which suggests that your product may be a bit slapdash too.

While the odd error inevitably creeps in to all our posts, it's well
worth taking the time to check your language to make sure you're
not incomprehensible to your readers.

#3: Too much information

Web writing needs to be fairly brief. If we bombard our readers with
jargon, lengthy manuscripts and technical speak, it's highly likely
they'll drift off and read a magazine.

Keep it simple, keep it accessible, and save the "techie" stuff for a
download so people can choose whether to opt in or not.

#4: Direct selling

People have a 'sales alert' instinct built in, which lets them know
when you're angling for some cash.

If we are going to sell, we need to do it by tagging on a line at the
end of a really useful piece of information.

If our products are worthwhile, people will find them pretty much
by themselves. If we have to push them all the time, perhaps it's
time to re-think the product and deliver something which is more
in demand.

Don't get us wrong, it's great to let people know what you have to
offer, but not in every single post you write!

#5: Spamming

Spam is so disappointing. You think you've got a fabulous new
comment on your blog post, and you then realise it's just another
advert for Viagra.

Steer clear from using e-mail databases to plug your products
without offering any benefits, and never, ever, abuse your
distribution list.

#6: Broken links

This is a no-brainer. Don't frustrate your readers by promising a
tasty link to some great information...and then delivering them a 404.
Check your data carefully to make sure your site is running smoothly
with no errors.

#7: Repetition

Repetition is really irritating. To clarify: repetition is really, really irritating.

Why would anyone come back to your blog if all they are going to get
is the same message again and again?

The best blogs out there use new material each day, making their site
indispensable to people looking to gain information and updates.

If someone comes to your blog and reads about something they like,
they'll be horribly disappointed to revisit you a week later and read
about the exact same thing.

By keeping our blogs varied and informative, we enhance our 'stickiness'
factor and encourage people to stay around.

#8: Adverts...and more adverts

Can you remember back in the early days of the internet, when
everything seemed to be flooded with animated gifs, smiley faces
and emoticons?

Nowadays, people tend to shy away from this kind of material as it
looks dated, and is very annoying!

Good blogs now resemble our most popular newspapers, with cleanly
laid out information, a few select images and a great navigation system.
Sites that bombard us with animation, swirls, sparkles and movement
detract from the messages you are trying to put across, leaving the
reader bewildered and determined not to come back!

#9: Offensive material

Unless you're running a blog about adult stuff, it makes sense to write
well for your target audience, and not offend them.

When I talk about offensive material, this category can include things
as broad as biased political ideas, swear words, religious comments
or inflammatory expressions.

Bear in mind that you are writing for a broad readership, and not all
strongly-held views will be welcome.

#10: Plagiarism

Imagine if you had two favorite blogs, and you visited them both each
day. And then, you started to notice that one blog was simply posting
up information from the other?

Despite the huge quantity of blogs out there, people still notice if we
unashamedly steal content and pop it up on our own sites. This lets
your readers know you can't be bothered to write your own stuff, or
pay someone to do it for you, and makes people quickly lose faith in
your integrity.

These are our top pieces of blogging advice.

To your blogging success,

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