Wednesday, 11 April 2012

How To Write Unique Contents That Attracts Visitors

I'm about to show you a copy-writing techniques and concept which do work on the web, and will fully explain why! I'll reveal a method of writing your web for your specific product, aimed at your specific customers.
                No matter what you read on the internet, writing unique/persuasive articles cannot be learned in a few minutes. There Is No Magic Pill to help you produce professional copy at the drop of a hat.
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind--Rudyard Kipling"
                Did you ever see a headline that absolutely demands attention? A headline that shouts "Hey! Look, this is for you"? Or even one that quietly seduces you with an irresistible promise?
                And have you ever read a "How-To" article on writing unique posts and thought "yeah that makes sense, now I know how to do it!"
                Have you also suffered the frustrating reality of not being able to write the same kind of unique post with your own ideas?
And have you ever tried writing an article using similar words and phrases you've read in someone else blog? Only to suffer the pain and disappointment of watching post not being read?
                How many times have you shook your head in despair desperately wondering what to try next? Agonizing, isn't it? In fact, it's enough to make it.

                Well enough of the many questions, lets proceed to the main part of this DOC.

Please consider this carefully. It’s the key to all successful articles. BAR NONE!
    When you saw that eye catching headline, which you thought would be ideal for your post title? The use of those particular words and phrase may have seemed obvious to you...
But didn't know the thinking behind them. You didn't realize it became successful because it appealed to a specific reader in a specific targeted niche.
                And the answer to writing a blog post that will motivate your readers into subscribing to your feeds and  probably buying from you is that you have to understand her [your visitor] mindset.
To achieve that, you will have to learn how to....

"Sorry....did you say dance"?
 Yes! You see, writing an attractive post is pretty much like learning to dance with a new partner. You know the right steps because you probably picked them up from someone else and managed to...well...get around.
                But to create a partnership that's beneficial to both of you,
  You have to discover what she wants from you. And to do that, you have to figure out how she [remember we are referring to the visitors/readers as "she"] thinks.
                Until you understand how your visitors think, you keep making mistakes and stepping on toes.
                But once you learn what makes her tick, it's a whole different ballroom game. At that point, you know which moves to make to suit her specific needs. And you can anticipate exactly what she wants you to do [including words to use in your posts] so you both perfect harmony.

NOTE: Please note that the best person to write your blog posts [except guess posting] is you....Hands down! You, the blog owner is the most ideal person to write articles for your own headline/title ideas.

  Want to stay ahead of your competitors? Then Keep a Keen Eye on Them
                The internet is such a fast moving creature that new ideas innovations are being thrust upon us at a regular basis...
  •  Subscribe to their e-zine and get a "feel" of their ideas. Read between the lines
  • Study their articles and see benefits they're concentrating on. Are they the same as yours? Are they different from yours? Are they better than yours?
Only by knowing your competitors, can you strive to offer greater benefits and write more attractive posts.
becoming an "expert" on your competitors puts you in s better place to outsell them.

Giving your reader everything she wants is a whole lot easier if you already know what she wants. And how do you do that?
                Well, you've probably been advised on many occasions that you should put yourself in her shoes. Personally, I find it rather uncomfortable squeezing unto high heels.
So here is a more practical and extremely more effective way of doing it. In fact, it's the only way to really find out what she really wants....
                Get Inside Her Mind....
Imagine how she's feeling as she visits you website. What is she looking for? Why is she there in the first place? Think like her.
Put yourself in her situation, and imagine her reaction to each element of your blog post. What's going through her mind when she reads your headline? What is she searching for?
                You know what she needs, but what does she want?
And most important of all...can provide it?
[Like I said earlier....Become Your Reader]

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