Monday, 5 March 2012

Writing A SEO Optimized Blog Post

The SECOND step in writing a SEO powerful blog

The SECOND step in writing a SEO optimized blog
Fellow bloggers, You spent quite some time writing your article. You published it and added some nice images. You did some facebooking and tweeting, yet your article remained unknown to google and other SEs. The simple reason is that you MISSED STEP TWO

STEP 1: This is the first and it's simply getting the idea ofwhat to write about.

STEP 2: Ok, now you have decided to write about some blackberry thing or some crazy idea. If the next thing you do is jump into typing, then you are writing for LOW or NO traffic. So what should you do? Do a proper keyword research. If you miss this, you are OFF. I can recommend google's KW toolif you're tight but if you got some cash, you can go in for a more serious Market Samurai.

So, open the keyword tool and key in hmmmm say "Internet on blackberry". You are going to have a list of related keywords. That should not be too hard to pick the keyword that can be phrased in your article What should you look for? Keyword with LOW competition Keyword with good monthly search DONT' BE CONFUSED! You have to avoid confusion.

You MUST make one keyword as the " MAIN KEYWORD ". This main KW should be in your TITLE, INTRO,BODY and CONCLUSION. It should be the first KW in your meta tag. Don't just mix the keywords up. There must be a "leader" keyword LSI: Tie your article in a bundle with What will be the core idea of your article? Search engines are beginning to reason. Search engines want to get the main idea behind your article. If you target a long tail keyword with Low competition and reasonable traffic, you should be getting quite interesting visits to your blog post.

Keyword Basics For Traffic And Sales Tips

Understanding Keyword Basics For Traffic And Sales

I have had quite a bundle of questions from fellow
bloggers about keyword and I think it's best to create this post as everyone else can get it.

First, guys, keyword research is serious and if you miss it, I can advice you buy Okada and leave blogging ;) . Keyword is the first thing that will give your blog a lift.

A blog with poor keyword research will end up sucking your time and keeping you discouraged. You are going to think that this thing works only for others.

Let's look at the 3 MATCH TYPES
1 - Broad Match
This is the most stupid match type you should go in for. It's a perfect time waster. Let me throw in an example: Keyword: Internet on blackberry phone Given that it's a broad match, it would also trigger for: 'Blackberry phone on Internet' and these are two different things. Any search made that contains all the word in the keyword (in any order) will
trigger your page. This is poor!

2 - Phrase Match
This is better but I still have a problem. This will trigger for other keywords that have words BEFORE and AFTER it. eg: Keyword: ebooks on wordpress security This could trigger for: buy ebooks on wordpress security, free ebooks on wordpress security, download ebooks on wordpress security,
ebooks on wordpress security download. There are still some elements of 'off target' here

3 - Exact Match
OMG! this is sweet and it's the money fetcher. You get the targeted visitors to your article. They will spend more time on your article.
They will hit the 'buy button'. They will leave that comment. Let's say you are writing an article that aims to sell Playstation 4
You may come out with a keyword like:
[buy Playstation 4] or [buy Playstation 4 in florida] It's important to understand these things even before you start writing.

Other things to look for:
- How many local/International searches are there per month
- How huge is the competition (PPC, article titles, article bodies)
- Search Trends NB: Search trends can be guided by events. For instance, christmas related keywords will have an upward curve towards december
and downward curve after december.